Cara Spanish To English Translation
A feminine noun is almost always used with feminine articles and adjectives (e.g. la mujer bonita, la luna llena). feminine nouna. face Le acarició la cara dulcemente para despertarla.He caressed her face sweetly to wake her up. a. side Recuerden escribir sobre las dos caras del papel.Remember to write on both sides of the piece of paper. Son dos caras de la misma moneda.They are two sides of the same coin. b. face Decidieron escalar la cara norte de la montaña.They decided to climb the north face of the mountain. a. look No pongas esa cara después de toda la suerte que has tenido.Don’t give me that look after all the luck you’ve had. El pasajero tiene mala cara.The passenger doesn’t look well. a. nerve ¡Qué cara más dura tienes!You have some nerve! Copyright © Curiosity Media Inc.caraA noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. man, dog, house). Nouna. faceesa cara me suena de algoI remember that face from somewhere, I’ve seen that face somewhere before a. faceacudieron muchas caras famosasa lot of famous faces were there a. headscara o cecaheads or tails echar algo a cara o cruzto toss (a coin) for something to flip a coin for sth a. cheek, nervetener (mucha) cara, tener la cara muy durato have a lot of cheek o nerve tener la cara de hacer algoto have the nerve to do something a. ¡alegra esa cara!cheer up o don’t look so miserable! poner cara de tontoto pull a stupid face tener buena/mala carato look well/awful tener cara de enfadadoto look angry tiene cara de ponerse a lloverit looks as if it’s going to rain a. se le cayó la cara de vergüenzashe blushed with shame cruzar la cara a alguiento slap somebody in the face dar la carato face up to the consequences dar la cara por alguiento stick up for somebody decir algo a alguien en o a la carato say something to somebody’s face echar en cara algo a alguiento reproach somebody for something hacer cara a algo/alguiento stand up to something/somebody por su linda cara, por su cara bonitabecause his/her face fits romper o partir la cara a alguiento smash somebody’s face in verse las carasto have it out a. cara (dura)shameless person ser un carato be shameless Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011Translate cara using machine translators See Machine TranslationsSpanish learning for everyone. For free. Have you tried it yet? Here’s what’s included: Try 7 Days for Free