Have You Had BI Check But How To Check Online All
COMPASS.com – Recently, Twitter was buzzing with discussions about KPR (Home Owner Loan) that was rejected by the bank because there were problems with BI Checking, as stated in the basic account and handle @hrdbacot below.
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Based on this discussion, what exactly is BI Checking and how does it work for mortgages? For more details, the following is an explanation of the meaning and function of BI Checking.
Definition and functions of BI Check
BI Checking is a service to obtain information about credit or loan history from debtors managed by Bank Indonesia (BI). Information about the debtor’s credit history is recorded in the SID (Debtor Information System).
Through this system, the borrower’s credit history information will be shared with banks or other financial institutions, as loan service providers. The function of BI Check itself is to make it easier for borrowers when they want to apply for credit from loan service providers.
Before applying for many types of loans or credit, including Home Ownership Loans (KPR), financial institutions or banks will usually look at credit history information from a borrower.
If in BI Checking there is a wrong entry on credit payment history, it is more likely that the borrower’s loan application will be more difficult to be approved by the bank.
Therefore, debtors should always check the BI Checking or check the information on the history of credit payments made first, before applying for a mortgage loan from the bank.
For the bank to accept a high-potential mortgage application, the borrower must meet the required BI Checking scores. There are at least five categories of scores BI Checking assigns to borrowers based on their credit payment performance history.
1. Smooth Credit
This BI Checking score is given to debtors with excellent performance. The debtor has a record of consistently paying credit installments and interest, every month until it is paid off, without any arrears.
2. TPF credit (in special mention)
This BI Checking score is given to debtors who have a record of arrears in credit installment payments with a period of 1-90 days.
3. poor credit
This BI Checking score is given to debtors who have a record of arrears in credit installment payments with a period of days.
4. Doubtful credit
This BI Checking score is given to debtors who have a record of arrears in credit installment payments with a period of days.
5. poor credit
This BI Checking score is given to debtors with very poor performance. The debtor who has been in arrears on credit installment payments for a period of more than 180 days is registered.
The above point will be taken into consideration by banks or other financial institutions in deciding for potential borrowers. Debts with a score of 3, 4, and 5 will be blacklisted or blacklisted by BI Checking.
Quote from the bank’s official website CIMB Niaga, debtors included in the BI Checking Black List will find it difficult to accept credit applications. The bank will not take the risk of debtors with poor credit or payment performance non-performing loans (NPL).
The reason is, the existence of NPL will affect the health condition of the bank itself. After understanding BI Checking score above, then how to check BI Checking? To check BI Checking, how to do it now online.
How to check BI Checking online This can be done through the SLIK (Financial Information Service System) service from the OJK (Financial Services Authority). A more complete explanation of how to check BI Checking online can be found below.
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How to check BI Checking online via OJK SLIK
It is important to note that since 2018, the credit information services of debtors are no longer managed by BI, but have been moved to OJK (Financial Services Authority), together with the transformation of roles and authorities in the supervision of financial transactions in Indonesia.
Therefore, debtors who wish to check BI Checking can now do so through the SLIK service at the OJK. The function of OJK SLIK is the same as BI Checking, namely to see information about the debtor’s credit history and payment performance score.
Through OJK SLIK, the bank or other financial institution registered as the Credit Information Bureau can also view the payment list of the debtor through credit history information in IDEB (Debtor Information).
You can access the OJK SLIK service itself through: website “consumer.ojk.go.id”. Quote from the official page OJKto check BI Checking through OJK SLIK directly onlineHere are the steps that the debtor must take:
1. Prepare important documents
Before you access the “konsumen.ojk.go.id” website, make sure you have prepared the following important documents:
Documents for individual debts
* photo/scan Original KTP for Indonesian Citizen (WNI)
* photo/scan original passport for Foreign Nationals (WNA)
* If the debtor died and it was handed over to the heirs, it is mandatory to include a photo/scan Original Death Certificate or Inheritance Certificate.
Documents for business debts
* photo/scan The original ID of the administrator, including an ID card for Indonesian citizens or passport for foreigners
* photo/scan NPWP of business entity Photo/scan of establishment document of business entity
* photo/scan the last article of association of documents containing the composition and authority of the management.
2. Complete the IDEB application form
After the document is completed, please visit the OJK SLIK check page /minisitedplk/registrasi, to fill out the form to get the IDEB service queue.
On the page, the debtor will be asked to fill in some personal information, such as the type of debtor information (individual or business entity), debtor profile, NIK, address, and so on. After that, the borrower selects the IDEB service queue schedule in the SLIK.
IDEB application queue online held only Monday to Friday, with a choice of schedule 08:00 – 09:00 WIB, 09:00 – 10:00 WIB, 10:00 – 11:00 WIB, 11:00 – 12:00 WIB, 13 : 00 – 14:00 WIB, and 14:00 – 15:00 WIB.
3. Upload documents and verify data
After filling the queue form, the borrower is asked to fill in more personal data and start uploading the prepared documents.
Enter personal data such as full name, NIK, phone number, email address, residential address, and so on. Make sure your personal data has been filled in correctly. Then download the previously prepared document.
After completing the form, the borrower will receive proof of registration for the IDEB application. The OJK will make further checks on the data sent by the debtor.
If the data is correct, the debtor will receive a validation email from OJK no later than three days before (D-3) the selected queue date. After that, the borrower will be verified via WhatsApp on the phone number indicated in the validation email.
Data verification is done in the time range D-3 to D-1 on the date of the selected queue, by sending the following documents:
* photo/scan a form sent by email with the data filled in completely and signed 3 times in the column provided
* Photo selfie show ID cards, with faces and ID cards not overlapping each other
After that, OJK will carry out further verification and make video calls via WhatsApp if necessary.
4. Delivery of IDEB
After verifying the data via WhatsApp and fulfilling the requirements, OJK will send the IDEB results to the debtor via the email address registered on the form.
From the results of IDEB, debtors can use it to check credit payment history. If there are problems regarding access to the OJK SLIK service for BI Checking, debtors can request them directly through the OJK Call Center at number 157.
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This is a complete explanation of how to check BI Checking online through OJK SLIK to see credit history information, before you apply for a mortgage from a bank or other loan service provider, hopefully it will be useful.
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